Freelance writing can be a great source of income, and even better, it’s a flexible job that allows you to work from just about anywhere. If you’re in college or are about to graduate and are looking for a way to earn money on your own time, freelance gigs are the perfect option. So how do you get started? There are several things you’ll need to consider and prepare for. Brushing up on your writing skills, starting the process of networking, and researching job portals online so you can find the best fit for your needs are all important parts of becoming a successful freelancer. Consider these tips when you’re ready to get started on a freelancing path.
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Take care of the legalities
In order to become a freelancer, you’ll need to take care of a few legal details. As a self-employed writer, it’s important that you have a tax ID number for the IRS because you won’t have taxes taken out of your income through an employer. Not only does an EIN provide a measure of protection for your personal assets, but it will also make it easier for you to file your taxes each year, whether you choose to file annually or quarterly.
Boost your skills
Once you have the legalities taken care of, it’s essential to work on your written communication, research, and grammar skills. Read online articles from respected publishers to get a feel for the structure and language that should be used. Keep in mind that as a freelancer, you’ll also need a few business skills, such as how to work with clients and ensure their satisfaction. Most will have guidelines for you to follow, so learning how to adapt to their style will be crucial. It’s essential that you have a solid grasp of time management as well, and you’ll also need to have good practices in place for keeping track of invoices and your finances in general. Look for tech that will help with these crucial details.
Know where to look
There are many more resources for freelance writers than ever before, with accounting software and time management apps being the tip of the iceberg. When you’re ready to look for gigs, however, it’s important to know where to search and which sites and jobs to stay away from, as unfortunately there are a few scammers you’ll need to avoid. Stick to professional job sites that have a history, and read reviews from other writers online to get a feel for their experiences.
Market yourself
Once you’ve found a few job sites to search, it’s time to think about how to market your skills as a professional writer. You’ll need to nail down a brand that tells potential clients who you are, what your experience is, and what they can expect when working with you. This is also a good time to figure out how much you’re going to charge for certain projects and how much work you’ll be able to take on at once. When you have all that information together, you can hire a freelance branding professional who can create a brilliant marketing strategy for you. Check out a few online job platforms and look at reviews of their work, the cost, and the delivery time.
Becoming a freelance writer can help you find success at something you enjoy, but it’s important to understand exactly what you’ll be taking on, as freelancers need to have a variety of skills. With the right resources, you can start writing professionally while keeping a flexible schedule.
Photo via Pexels