About Us
URLink Print and Media started as a marketing firm collaborating with traditional publishers and self-publishing companies all over U.S.A. It focuses on strategic and analytical method application to empower authors and extend their target audience to a grand scale. With its goal to provide competitive publishing-related services at an affordable cost, it later expanded its offering to also cater for authors’ publishing needs -- rivaling with book industry’s leading Publishing companies.
It is one of the few companies worldwide that covers all your needs -- printed books, eBooks, Print-on-Demand, direct-to-reader sales and global distribution on top of its design and creative plus marketing services delivered -- promptly and conveniently.
Years after its inception, URLink Print and Media has sustained its commitment in assuring authors get the result they deserve -- boosted platform and credibility, expanded fan-base and interactive connections with audience, broadened readership, media coverage, lifetime 100% Royalty program and full control over their books’ selling price.